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After your extraction, it’s important for a blood clot to form, to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. Bite on a gauze pad (place over each surgical site) changing it for 30-60 minutes until the bleeding stops completely. Light oozing is normal throughout the day of surgery. When the surgical site(s) are not visually/actively bleeding, remove the gauze and discontinue its use. You may eat and drink between gauze changes. Over use of gauze or talking with gauze in place can promote bleeding. If you run out of gauze, you can place a tea bag over the surgical site(s) and gently bite. The tannic acid constricts the vessels and can slow or stop bleeding.
If you are experiencing heavy bleeding at any time after your surgery (consistent with a nosebleed) call our office as soon as possible. If after 48 hours you have any numbness of the lip, teeth or chin (this is usually temporary) please call our office.
Apply ice packs to the outside of your face for a minimum of 24 hours after your surgery. Pain can peak after 48-72 hours. If after 72 hours you are still experiencing muscle soreness apply heat (towel soaked in hot water, warmed gel pack or heating pad wrapped in a towel). Practice opening and closing. It is important to keep your jaw muscles moving. Continue heat as long as you have swelling and/or muscle soreness. It is not uncommon to develop bruising on the face after oral surgery.
Do not vigorously rinse or spit for 24 hours. Brushing is important for the healing process. Brush gently around the surgical sites as bleeding and tenderness is common the night of your surgery. After 24 hours, please gently swish with warm salt water, do this after meals and before bedtime. You may resume normal oral hygiene (brushing & flossing) 24 hours after surgery.
Do not drink through a straw or smoke for 1 week. These actions are the main cause(s) of dry socket. A dry socket is formed when the blood clot is dislodged prematurely from the socket causing pain to your neck, head and/or ear(s). This will usually occur 3-5 days after your surgery. If you experience these symptoms, you will need to schedule an appointment with our office.
A soft diet is recommended for at least one week (anything that you can cut with a fork). The day of the surgery foods such as yogurt, pudding, smoothies, shakes (not using a straw), ice cream and mashed potatoes are recommended. You may resume a normal diet when it’s comfortable for you.
Take all medications as prescribed, if you have any side effects from taking any medications, discontinue use and call our office immediately. Please refer to the Medications List you received from our office to review instructions.
Please avoid any physical activity (such as school sports) including lifting and bending for at least 3-5 days. Ease back into exercise when ready. Throbbing at the surgical site is normal and will subside, but take it slow.If sutures were used, they should dissolve in 5-7 days. We will advise if you need to be seen for suture removal if dissolvable sutures were not used. If no post op appointment was scheduled, but you have concerns, we are here to help. Contact us today at 416-651-6262 or Send us Message on 647-482-3836 with any questions you may have.

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